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​​​FALL - $42,081.06

Annual Hudl Video System (Baseball, Basketball, Field Hockey, Football, Lacrosse, Softball, Soccer and Volleyball)

Cross Country Entry Fee

Practice Volleyballs (50)-Boys Volleyball

Practice Balls (5 dozen)-Field Hockey

Bottle Filler Water Fountains (3)-Field House

Cheer Flags-Cheer

Stadium Hudl Camera Network Installation

Golf State Tournament Expenses

Cross Country State Meet Expenses 

Softball Field Maintenance

Baseball Field Maintenance


WINTER - $20,000

Gymnastics Equipment(Vault Safety Pad, Vault Runway, Vault Runway Tape Measure)

Indoor Track Entry Fees

Lacrosse Goals

Soccer Goals

Swim Team Entry Fees

Track & Field Equipment Cart 

Track & Field Equipment 

Winter Supplies(Silicone Swim Caps, Basketball Scorebooks, Wrestling Scorebooks, Basketballs, Gym Chalk, Gym Mat Tape)


SPRING - $25,000



On Point Volleyball Target - Boy's Volleyball

Massage Sticks (10) - Cross Country/Indoor Track/Outdoor Track

Lap Top - Swim Team

High & Step In Chalk Holder - Gymnastics



FALL - $20,000 (Below items total $19,450.11; $549.89 remains)

Annual Hudl Video System (Basketball, Field Hockey, Football, Lacrosse, Soccer and Volleyball)

Cross Country Entry Fees

Swimming & Track State Championship Rings

Football Helmets

Golf Bags

Post Season Travel - Field Hockey and Golf


WINTER - $22,049.89 ($18,500 was allocated; Board approved an additional $3,000; Board approved to rollover remainder from Fall)

Swim Meet Entry Fees

Indoor Track Entry Fees

Winter Team Supplies

Softball Field Regrading

Cheer-UCA National Championship


SPRING - $25,470.23 ($20,000 was allocated; Board approved to rollover remainder from Winter; Board approved an additional $926.82)

Softball Batting Helmets

Girls Lacrosse Practice Pinnies

Baseball Press Box Chairs

Spring Supplies (Baseball/Softball: Scorebooks, Line-Up cards, Baseballs; Boys and Girls Lacrosse: Scorebooks, Balls, Masks, Chin Straps; Boys and Girls Soccer: Balls, Scorebooks; Boys and Girls Tennis: Balls)

Winter Regional State Travel: Gymnastics and Girls Basketball

Winter State Travel: Swimming, Wrestling, Gymnastics and Indoor Track

Spring State Travel: Boys Soccer State Quarterfinals



Batting Mats - Baseball

Batting Mats, Weighted Tarps and Wiffle Balls - Softball

Portable Sideline Treatment Table - Athletic Trainer

Obo ReKeep Bouncers (2) and Gorilla Cart  - Field Hockey



FALL - $20,000 (Below items total $19,569.83; $430.17 remains)

Annual Hudl Video System (Basketball, Field Hockey, Football, Lacrosse, Soccer and Volleyball)

Cross Country Entry Fees

Swimming State Championship Rings

Boys and Girls Volleyball Equipment Net System

Golf State Travel

Field Hockey State Travel

Hurdle Storage Cart

Adjustable Dumbbell Rack


WINTER -$17,500 (Below items total $15,473.47; $2,026.53 remains)

Balance Beam 

Tennis Windscreens

Baseball Windscreens


SPRING - $22,026.53 ($20,000 was allocated, Board approved to roll over the remainder from Winter)

Resprig Girls Lacrosse Practice Field 

State Tournament Travel - Wrestling

State Tournament Travel - Swimming

State Tournament Travel - Gymnastics

State Tournament Travel - Track

State Tournament Travel - Boys Tennis

State Tournament Travel - Baseball

Summer Field Maintenance



FALL - $9,516.43 ($11K was allocated)

Hudl Video System (All Sports)

Cross Country Entry Fees

Field Hockey Equipment


WINTER  - $11,490.50 ($11K was allocated)

Softball Windscreen

Basketball Shot Clocks

Winter Sports Equipment


SPRING - $11,000

Lacrosse Pads

Baseball Sound System

Winter State Tournament Travel



FALL - $10,000 ($20K was allocated, but funds were temporarily restricted to $10K due to COVID-19 and limitation of immediate funds)

Hudl Video System (All Sports)

Helmet Reconditioning

Boys Volleyball Uniforms

Girls Volleyball Uniforms


WINTER - $3,420 ($15K was allocated, but funds were temporarily restricted due to COVID-19 and limitation of immediate funds)

Track Team Uniforms

Swim Team State Rings

ImPact Concussion Testing


SPRING - $5,000 ($10K was allocated, but funds were temporarily restricted due to COVID-19 and limitation of immediate funds)

Field Maintenance

End of Season Awards

Football Uniforms



FALL - $20,000

Football Coaches Headsets

Golf Bags

Football Helmets

Lacrosse Helmet Reconditioning

Hudl Video System (All Sports)

Cross Country Entry Fees

Competition Cheer Music

Golf Course Usuage Fees


WINTER - $14,897.32 ($15K was allocated)

Winter Game Supplies

Laser Grading of Softball Infield

Swim Team Pool Rental

Indoor Track Entry Fees

Wrestling Entry Fees

Softball & Baseball bases


SPRING - $22,787.75 ($20K was allocated)

Baseball 2 Protective Screens

Softball New Batting Helmets

Boys Lacrosse New Helmets

Competitive Cheer Mats

Volleyball New Game Sets and Ref Stand

Various Spring Sports Game Supplies

Travel Expenses for Winter Sports

6 Fields Treated and Seeded



FALL - $20,000

Cross Country Entry Fees

Fall Game Balls/Equipment

Hudle Video System (All Sports)

Competition Cheer Music

Weight Room Equipment

Spriggng of back practice Field (Field Hockey and Boys Lacrosse)

Golf Course usuage fees

Regional/State Championship Awards (Boys Tennis & Track)


WINTER - $15,000

Winter Game Supplies

Laser Grading of Baseball Infield

Swim Team Pool Rental

Indoor Track Entry Fees

Washing Machine for Field House

Gym carpets for Bench area (Basketball, Volleyball & Wrestling)

State Tournament Travel


SPRING  - $10,978.95 (GAA fell short due to decrease in Corporate Sponsorships; $20K was allocated)

Spring Game Supplies

Practice Goals for Lacrosse

Practice Goals for Soccer

State Tournament Travel


Tax dollars that eventually end up in the Athletic Department's annual budget comprise of a very small portion of the department's needs.  The funds are used to cover transportation costs and coaching stipends.  All of the operation expenses and equipment purchases are self-funded by the athletic department.  These funds are a drop in the bucket to the needs of ALL sports, therefore an Athletic Association is needed to offset some of these costs.  This is where we come in...The GAA is committed to giving at least $80,000 to Godwin Athletics during the 2024-2025 school year.  


c/o Godwin High School

2101 Pump Road

Henrico, VA 23238


Godwin Athletic Association is a non-profit organization as defined by IRS Section 501(c)(3).

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